Nature - Unlimited lessons book

Whenever I see or listen to the word, “Nature”, the only thing that strikes on my mind and heart spontaneously at a time is the omniscient but secret teacher. I don’t know what nature means for others but for me, nature is a book of the endless lesson of positive. From the then time, I stepped on this wonderful nature, I am trying to learn the most beautiful book, nature and experience mind-blowing essence of nature.

Nature - An unlimited lesson book

Nature as a book

How can nature be taken as “A book of the unlimited lesson?” On the related matter, you may have several queries.

The answer to that question is there in the meaning of nature itself. We all are well known about that nature is a common home for all the existing living beings. It is so great that it hasn’t discriminated among any creatures dwelling on the earth. From microscopic organisms to the giant blue whale, it has treated equally in every aspect. But the plight is that even being the superior living creature with a great common sense trait, we are still living in the dark world of racism, discrimination, gender inequality and other trash practices. Isn’t it a matter of shame?

It is fact that nature is the best example of a real mother. It doesn’t demand anything. It only tries to design the life of all living creatures and add the word convenience and joy in the dictionary of their life. It provides all the basic needs as per the nature and need of creatures. It is maintaining fresh air for breathing, water for quenching our thirst, and a complete shelter to live and continue our life processes.

But what are we doing? We are degrading and deteriorating the property and elements of nature through various unwanted deeds for our benefits. Various pandemic and epidemic like Corona Virus Disease-19, global warming, ozone layer depletion, acid rain, etc. are some of the vulnerable outcomes of it.

We are destroying nature and its family without realizing the contribution that has been made in our life. This process is being increased haphazardly. How can we think of doing it ?? How can we be so selfish?? It’s just insane and blindness character of human beings. If people can destroy nature which is assisting for their better life, they can go beyond any level.

Despite this unfavourable act of humanity, nature is giving its best possible to make our life full of pleasure. How can one be so innocent? It has just stolen my heart. I heartily love it. It is teaching us to be positive and excuse others but very few of us are interested in such a great habit.

Nature is a hidden book of the lesson. Just we need to do is search the book and open it. The more you become close to nature, the more you learn about it. Then we need to imply the learned lesson in our life. Believe me that it will head the life towards the path of peace, joy and success. This is the life that everyone has a dream to live in.

To speak in minimum, nature is the nearest and dearest friend of mine. I am so grateful to have it by my side in every step of my life and influencing me to decorate my life with positive vibes and decent character. I wish to live the upcoming journey of my life being even closer with nature than ever and learn more secret of nature, which has already been my passion. My learning process about nature is still incomplete. I am assured that the development of passion will make my learning process more interesting….


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